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Diamond Abrasives Resin Bonded Wet Polishing Pads for Concrete Floor

Item No.











1. This wet diamond polishing pads series Standard A, 3 inch diamond impregnated resin bonded pads designed for wet concrete polishing, wet marble polishing, wet travertine terrazzo polishing, wet granite polishing.

2. Set of 7 wet diamond polishing pads, 1 piece each for grit 50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1500, 3000.

3. Velcro backed polishing pads for easy connect and removal, Color coded velcro backers to easily identify polishing pads grit.

4. Outstanding shine for concrete polishing, ideal for concrete countertop polishing, concrete floor polishing. Good shine for granite edge polishing, marble terrazzo travertine and other stone flat or contoured surface polishing.

5. Works great with concrete stone wet polishers, 10 mm thick polishing pads, maximum RPM 4500, Optimal RPM 2200; Available in individual grits or sets.


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